August is Kinship Care Month!

August is Kinship Care Month, recognizing grandparents, relatives, tribes, and family friends who step in to provide full time care to children when their biological parents are unable. Kinship care is a practice long predating the modern child welfare system, and today it happens both inside and outside of formalized foster care. 

One of ANFRC’s core values is stability for children; we believe that children belong with their own families when home environments are nurturing, healthy, and stable. Kinship care honors the importance of maintaining connection to family and culture when it isn’t possible for children to safely live with their parents. 

More than 2.6 million children are raised by grandparents and other relatives nationwide. Check out this infographic from to see data that shows kinship care is a lifeline for over 65,000 children across Alabama.

Unfortunately, family and “fictive kin” who take on caregiving responsibilities don't always have access to government support that biological parents and legal guardians receive to help meet children’s needs. ANFRC member Family Resource Centers help families navigate their options, and we’re sharing a list of resources below to help kinship caregivers learn more about their rights, public benefits, and resources.



Knowledge of Parenting & Child Development