Join The Network

Family Resource Centers (FRCs) provide a variety of services to ensure a comprehensive assessment of families’ needs. FRCs are not single-service sites, nor do they limit services to a specific population. ANFRC sites have open eligibility and multiple on-site services that include, at a minimum: case management, intake and assessment, parenting education, emergency services, and early intervention services.


Family Resource Centers Are

Community-based, indicating broad support and networking among community resources with input by community members, including consumers, regarding decision-making and planning.

Non-Sectarian, indicating that the site is not affiliated with a specific belief system or faith that excludes others who do not embrace the particular dogma.

Non-discriminatory, indicating that services are available without regard to race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, age, economic status, gender, or any other trait or quality that can be used to exclude.

Prevention-based, comprehensive, and target greater self-sufficiency, empowering families with the skills they need to access and utilize needed services and resources.

Member sites of the Alabama Network of Family Resource Centers (ANFRC) must comply with 25 membership standards. During the application process, Family Resource Centers gather data and information pertaining to each standard to explain and verify services. Membership in ANFRC ensures that funders, families, and communities know that the FRC is committed to accountability and excellence.


Interested in Joining?

We’d love to start the conversation. If your agency is interested in learning more about ANFRC membership please reach out using this form.